Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Where Is Your Heart?"

"Where Is Your Heart?"

My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment,
do not let them out of your sight;
Proverbs 3:21

Whenever demands are placed upon us each day,
choices have to be made . . .
do we remain loyal to God,
as we make our decisions?

Do we trust Him enough,
to let go and surrender,
while yielding to Him,
the complicated details,
the emotional issues,
as we face the mountains?

Wherever our hearts are,
determines the course of our destinies.

Our desires may be good ones, healthy ones,
but do we know they line up with God's heart desires for us?
How can we be sure?

First of all, we have to know His Word, in order to know His will.

We have to realize the gifts which He allows us to use upon this earth,
in order to accomplish that which He desires,
in obedience.

We all may have visions and plans that look good on paper,
but how do they look upon the roadmap of God's design,
His divine plan?

Are we focusing upon Him . . . enough so that we receive direction
from the Holy Spirit,
as to where to go, what to do,
in situations that require
more than human understanding?

As we view life from here below,
are we as concerned for those who are in need,
as we would be,
if they were our own?

And, if not,
how do we justify to ourselves,
that we are truly family,
belonging to Him?

We are surrounded with opportunities to demonstrate to others,
the true desires of our hearts every day.

Our very reaction
to those who have befriended us,
helped us in our times of need,
speaks volumes as to the conditions of our hearts.

So many pathways beckon us to come,
to enjoy,
to be merry in today,
with no thought of tomorrow.

There are easy pathways to trod upon,
they are fruitless pathways.

The pathway to God's door is filled with
challenge, obstacles, and trials,
but we learn as we go, and we grow... ..
the very purpose of such trials and challenges.

Growth is always on God's mind.

Our lives, our futures,
depend upon the intentions and the desires of the

The church is filled with bleeding hearts who are hurting from past
mistakes and failures that continue to haunt and torment,
inflicting misgivings and regrets upon His flock.

It has been in the decisions of the past ,
without clear understanding,
that many have come to heartaches and grief today.

But, Christ wishes us to live for today and with hope for a better future,
with Him involved in our lives,
totally trusting in Him.

He brings us through the heartaches,
the grief, of the past,
so that we may take His hand,
and walk into our futures.

Walking in the wisdom and inclination of the Holy Spirit
leads us into the perfect pathways,
and we will not be found with a straying heart,
unfocused and misguided,

It is important that older ones remain on course,
so that the pathways of
their descendants remain on course.

We are their example and they follow
our lead,
as we follow God's leading.

Divine blessings pass from one
generation to another.
That is the covenant of Almighty God, and He 
set this covenant in divine order,
so that each generation would benefit from His love.

A heart that seeks the wisdom of God will be placed divinely to lead

God recognizes the "Davids" of the world,
who have a heart for Him,
and He will make them kings, princes, and princesses,
in His Kingdom,
leaders of men.

Check the pulse of your heartbeat and see if it beats for God and His
mighty awesomeness,
or, if it beats to satisfy the world's perception of
peace and prosperity.

There is nothing or nobody in the world, that can provide peace,
true peace,
except the love of Almighty God!
We must receive it and share it.

The world's peace is short-lived,
and always interrupted.

Whenever God is tugging on one's heartstrings,
we need to surrender
and yield to His wooing.

If there are situations taking over,
of which we have no control,
that is God speaking,
to let go and let Him.

He is answering the prayer to Him,
to rule over our lives.

He is wishing to take us places we have never
to provide miracles upon our way,
so that He can open doors to
blessings and achievements,
which we would never dream of.

Now those things, Family,
are things that are worth giving your heart
to God for,
and are not things the world can offer!

Today, we look around us, and we see plainly that God is separating
those who talk,
from those who walk.

Which way is yours?

He is searching for the true heartseekers who will not compromise His
who will leave the fields, if necessary,
and who will armor themselves up
to enter into the battle,
with confidence and perseverance,
so that they may serve,
and serve Him well,
with the shield of righteousness in front.

Therefore, I ask.
Where is your heart leading you?

Our Lord,
Our Savior,
Christ Jesus,
trusted enough,
loved enough,
to give up His life.

Have you considered how far
you would be willing to go,
for Him?

Extracted from an Email

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